
What is cladding?

Cladding is a group of panels made of rust and corrosion resistant aluminum. Which is characterized by its light weight and its superior ability to insulate external heat and its resistance to fire. In addition to the high-density polyethylene material that is placed between the aluminum panels to give them the hardness and strength that characterizes this material.

Aluminum sheets made of heat-insulating and fire-resistant cladding, consisting of panels of low-density transparent polyethylene, are the best used to cover the facades of buildings. As the use of cladding panels in buildings is the ideal solution because these panels are characterized by good flexibility that gives them ease and durability, and thanks to the corrosion-resistant polyethylene property. It maintains its resistance and performance in all working conditions. It resists breakage even at low temperatures and works as a good insulator for heat and sound. It is fire-resistant as it consists of three layers, two of which are aluminum layers between which is corrosion-resistant polyethylene. The outer layer is covered with polyfluoride, which is characterized by its hardness and strength despite its light weight.


الكلادنج هو مجموعة ألواح من مادة الألمونيوم المقاومة للصدأ والتأكل . والتي تتميز بخفة الوزن وقدرتها الفائقة في عزل الحرارة الخارجية ومقاومتها للحرائق. بالإضافة إلى مادة البولي إيثلين عالية الكثافة التي توضع بين ألواح الألمونيوم لإكسابها الصلابة والقوة التي تتميز بها هذه المادة.

صفائح الألمونيوم المصنوعة من الكلادينج العازل للحرارة والمقاوم للحرائق، المُكون من ألواح من البولي إيثلين الشفاف قليل الكثافة أفضل ما يٌستخدم في تغطية واجهات المُنشأت . حيث أن استخدام ألواح الكلادينج في المباني هو الحل الأمثل لما تتميز به تلك الألواح من مرونة جيدة تمنحها السهولة والمتانة وبفضل خاصية بولي إيثيلين المقاومة للتآكل. فإنها تحافظ على مقاومتها وأدائها في جميع ظروف العمل. وتقاوم الكسر حتى في درجات الحرارة المُنخفضة كما إنها تعمل كعازل جيد للحرارة والصوت . ومقاوم للحرائق كونها مكونة  من ثلاث طبقات منهم طبقتين من الألمونيوم بينهم مادة البولي إيثلين المقاومة للتآكل. وطبقة خارجية مُغطى بالبولي فلوريد التي تتميز بالصلابة والقوة بالرغم من خفة وزنه.

Alqama Cladding Colors

Kitchens Department

The Summit Cladding Group has started to create a special section for aluminum kitchens with different thicknesses (cladding) in multiple colors that meet all needs. Cladding kitchens in your home have many advantages over using traditional materials, as cladding panels add a great look to the kitchen and can provide a healthy alternative to other materials for walls and ceilings. There is a range of kitchen cladding and it is available in a range of colors and patterns, making it easier for you to meet your decoration requirements. Although the use of tiles and wood has been the traditional materials used in kitchens for many years. There are simply too many disadvantages that make them less suitable options, being susceptible to moisture and a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt, wood and tiles are not the most healthy options to use in your kitchen. On the contrary. Cladding for kitchens is significantly more hygienic as any dirt or bacteria can be easily cleaned with some cleaning spray and a cloth only. The risk of moisture is also greatly reduced by using kitchen cladding panels because not only can water droplets be eliminated but the cladding panels themselves are impermeable and do not absorb moisture. Al Qimma Cladding Company has also started adding the feature of painting steel and aluminum panels, and all colors are available upon request.